There have been several updates here, most within the articles sections of the site, but a lot more is in the works. So I can safely say, if you’re looking for something new here, check there first. I have some big plans coming up for new content, including new articles, new poems to type in, some new wallpapers and media, and a lot more.
I’ve been thinking about what I could add here a lot lately, and I have been thinking about how to go about implementing some of the ideas that I want to add. While there’s a ton of content here, it is a one-person show and I do everything myself, so when life becomes busy, things take a little more time to complete. Therefore, a ton more is planned and coming, but the date for its release is to be announced.
That being said, I’m currently still creating art, now music as well, raising four kids, getting ready for the final steps of conversion, studying Torah, studying for our B’nei Mitzvah classes, writing my memoirs, and mundane day to day life (cleaning and such). My life is busy!