This section of the Son of Sinai website is devoted to all things pertaining to Fred’s learning and walking the path of Reform Judaism. You won’t find the basic information here, instead, this section will go beyond the information easily found with a quick Google on Judaism.
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Shabbat: The best day of the week!
The mourner’s Kaddish: The devotion through grief
Much is sung! The work of the Cantor
613 Mitzvot (Commandments)
Why do Jews pray 3-times a day?
G-D loves me: how G-D has transformed my life
My imagining: the day I’m converted
My six-month review: converting six months in
Wars in the Torah, the wars within
The Mitzvah of caring for yourself
Tips from someone 6 months into converting
I find myself saying “Mensch,” a lot
What was my first impression of a service
G-d, Community, Torah, and Israel
Antisemitism – you will face it!rvice?
How did I know that Judaism is for me?
Antisemitism: wake up society!
Why were Jews so mistrusted in host nations?
intro to Judaism and conversion update
Torah Torah Torah…oh and Talmud!
His will is my will, surrendering
The skullcap (Kippah/Yarmulke)
Why don’t Jews believe in Jesus?
If you’re thinking about converting…
My views on worn Judaica and halacha